Award-winning websites for Sagetree clients

Sagetree has had the opportunity to work with awesome clients on many meaningful projects.

We at Sagetree think our projects are award-worthy, of course. Several months ago we submitted a few of our client’s sites to be considered. We guide and create alongside some very powerful brands that are behind noble causes. To us, submitting for this great honor was a no-brainer.

Four of our client partners won!

About the Web Excellence Awards

“The “Web Excellence Awards” promotes excellence on the web and to set standards by honoring distinguished websites, web marketing projects, and videos. The coveted Web Excellence Awards encourage and promote web excellence and establish higher standards year after year by honoring distinguished projects”.

A panel of industry professionals with diverse backgrounds evaluated categories. The competition saw over 900 entries worldwide, including 45 US States and 30 countries including Australia, Canada, France, the UK, Germany, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, etc.

Helping Parents Access Subsidized Childcare with Child Care San Diego

Childcare San Diego’s mission is to connect parents with affordable childcare programs to allow parents to work. Led by the YMCA, the program also offered subsidized child care. Parents were experiencing challenges when visiting their old website because the design was dated and had too much text, creating a confusing user experience.  As a result, parents had difficulty signing up for assistance.

Sagetree provided guidance in clarifying their core messaging, redesigning their website, and connecting it to their parent database. As a result, parents enjoy a much friendlier user experience on the website and having an easier time applying for childcare assistance.

Visit the website

View the award

More Small Business Leads for Gaston & Gaston

Gaston and Gaston needed connect with small businesses to serve their many legal needs. The Sagetree team helped them optimize their messaging through a process called “story branding”. We often use this method to help our clients with being more effective in connecting with their own customers. With clear messaging, this drove development of new branding and a new website allowing them to share their expertise with the world.

Visit the website

View the Gaston & Gaston Award

Connecting Classrooms with the Endurance 22 Expedition

Reach the World strives to improve global literacy by connecting children in disadvantaged communities with student travelers. Through their unique, web-based software platform, travelers are able to blog, upload photos and videos, and have web meetings to share their journey with classrooms across the United States.

A once-in-a-lifetime educational opportunity arose to partner with Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust. Sunken and lost for over 100 years, Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship, the Endurance, was somewhere at the bottom of the Antarctic sea. Sagetree designed and built a website to help educators with this important journey and to share the excitement of finding this lost ship with classrooms across the world.

Visit the website

View the Award.

About Toys For Joy

Toys for Joy is the Rock Church’s largest annual event to donate toys to disadvantaged children for Christmas. For the 25th anniversary of the event, they decided to invest in their online presence to drive more donors to contribute in a fun way.

With their goal in mind, Sagetree created an interactive experience that allowed for transparency in the client’s progress to their goal when receiving donations. The site is also very playful, featuring animated children and gifts making the user’s experience fun.

As a result of their new website that encompasses the joy of giving as well as an enjoyable user experience, Toys for Joy is making progress to their stated donation goal and impacting the lives of the children, and families, they touch.

Visit the donation landing page

View the award

Sagetree would love to talk with you and guide you through your next award-winning project.